Judges’ Comments

Excellence Award for Manual Design
1996—1997 Technical Art Competition from The Society for Technical Communication, Washington, D.C. Chapter for the Digital Satellite System Satellite Receiver Owner’s Guide
View the guide

“Extremely well designed for such a technical topic. Clear and easy to read throughout.”
Judge 1

“This is an excellent manual. Clarity in the written procedures and clarity at the paragraph level underscores the coherence required in writing procedures with sentences that develop clear logical patterns using a cookbook, or step-by-step syntax.

“Moreover, procedures are written to emphasize action and develop from a balanced set of elements. There is no verbose, unspecified detail, or non-imperative word usage. Clarity (a key to this genre of written text) is appropriate and accurate.”
Judge 2

“This manual is very well done, especially with the restraint of one color. It is a solid effort.
Judge 3

“Definitely creative, especially the table of contents. Easy to find information.”
Judge 4

Distinguished Technical Communication Award for Technical Publication
1993—1994 Technical Publications and Art Competition from The Society for Technical Communication, Washington, D.C. Chapter for the Claircom Air Terminal Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
View the manual

“Excellent manual with beautifully detailed graphics. Troubleshooting section is helpful and clearly written. Flowchart format is effective.”
Judge 1

“Solid manual. Well organized and well written. Seems to do the job for the installer. Good use of illustrations.”
Judge 2

“Very good illustrations—easy to read and understand.”
Judge 3

“Format is clean—good use of white space.”
Judge 4